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Headaches are a major problem, with over 100 types that 3.1 billion people (almost 40% of the global population) struggle with. However, they are still undertreated, underdiagnosed, and underestimated in terms of their impact on people’s lives. Defined as pain in any region of the head, headaches can present with...
You’ve heard those noises: the rattling, snorting, or other unpleasant nasal sounds that come when someone’s asleep and snoring. This is a common sleep problem, affecting more men than women (44% of males and 28% of females between 30-60), and can be a symptom of other sleeping issues that can...
From the moment you hear your parent’s voice as an infant and start taking in the world around you, your ears play a key role in how you perceive everything. The relationship between what you see and what you hear makes up a vast amount of the information you gather...
You generally hear about your sinuses when you're sick with a cold or other upper respiratory infection, but these hollow spaces in your head serve some important functions in your breathing, immune system defense, and vocal resonance. There are four sinus cavities (maxillary, sphenoid, ethmoid, and frontal) located in places...
Your skin is the part of the body that keeps germs, bacteria, and small particles out, and nowhere is that more useful than your eyelids. Your eyes are an essential organ to help you see the world around you, and those lids protect them from outside dangers, retain moisture, and...
The environments we live in are a plethora of particles, chemicals, pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and numerous other substances all the time. To fight off anything harmful to us, our immune systems always work to keep many of these unwanted microscopic materials from getting into our bodies and causing problems. It...
Hearing is fundamental to the perception of things around you, and your ears are important for not just accomplishing this but also providing balance and the tools to build communication through language. We accomplish this with a complex organ composed of three parts (your outer, middle, and inner ear), and...
A range of upper respiratory conditions can affect how well you breathe, ranging from short-term infections to long-term chronic issues. Things like colds, sinusitis, influenza, and COVID-19 can inflame your nasal passages, make you labor for breath, keep you feeling exhausted, and make life unpleasant overall. Another common reason for...
Your outer ear is what you see when you look in the mirror, but the areas where many problems can occur happen further in, specifically in your middle ear. This part of your ear consists of the eardrum (tympanic membrane), tympanic cavity (the basic structure of the inner ear), ossicles...
When your body is under attack from viruses, bacteria, germs and other things that can lead to disorders, diseases, and other problems, it’s your immune system that helps to fight off the invading substances and works to keep you healthy. This loose network of blood cells, proteins, antibodies, lymph nodes,...
Your nose is an important part of your respiratory system and the organ that provides your sense of smell, filters debris, keeps harmful microbes out, moistens the air you breathe, and affects your sense of taste. It consists of your septum (the bone and cartilage that separates into two nostrils),...
Allergies are a very common problem, with over 100 million Americans struggling with several types of it annually. It is one of the leading causes of chronic illness, and seasonal allergies are especially common in the warm weather, making an otherwise lovely season miserable for many. Whether you deal with...
Our ears are a valuable organ that helps us assess our environment, communicate with others, and maintain our equilibrium, making standing and walking a far easier task. To perform these necessary functions, this small but complex organ is divided into three main parts: the outer, middle, and inner ear, which...
Your nose is important for breathing, smelling, and filtering the air as it enters your body, and your sinuses are a part of how that process works. This part of your nasal cavity is referred to as the paranasal sinuses and is composed of four parts: maxillary, frontal, ethmoid, and...
Hearing is an essential part of how we cope with the environment around us, and there are many ways it can be compromised, leading to hearing loss. Conditions affecting hearing can be present at birth and develop at any age, and 48 million people in America alone deal with some...
When it comes to your body defending itself against diseases, infections, and other threats, there are different ways of getting protection. Your skin is effectively a suit of organic armor against foreign objects, bacteria, viruses and other things that can harm you, and your immune system works to defend you...
We’ve all made the effort to burn the midnight oil occasionally, trying to either have a bit of fun or work to get an assignment done. But at some point, you must settle in and get a good night’s rest because not getting enough can affect your overall health. At...
When it comes to our faces, we tend to dwell on how appealing we look to others, and our noses are a strong example of this. Many people find themselves concerned about how big, little, wide, thin, long, or short they are but take for granted how important this organ...
Our hearing is a complex sense involving sound traveling through the parts of your ear into the auditory nerve and the brain, translating it into usable information. It is one of the senses we use for much of our interaction with the world and directly affects our sense of balance....
Often when people hear the term plastic surgery, visions of face lifts, breast augmentations and other popular cosmetic treatments are the things that come to mind. However, many of the procedures are used as much for reconstructive surgery from accidents or correcting structural defects as they are for aesthetic changes....
Hearing is a very important part of how we navigate the world, but millions of people suffer its loss for many reasons. Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA) report that about 14% of Americans (48 million people) report some...
Breathing is essential to life, but how we breathe can be equally important for our health. While up to 50% of adults tend to breathe through their mouths, breathing through the nose warms and moisturizes the air coming in, making it easier for the lungs to use. Unfortunately, a sinus...
Many people struggle with sleep disorders, and one of the most common is sleep apnea, which affects nearly a billion people globally. Around 30 million people in America cope with obstructive sleep apnea, the more common of two types of this disorder which can happen at any age. Millions of...
You probably look forward to seeing the signs of spring and its beautiful natural display in the coming months. What you probably don’t look forward to, if you’re like over 50 million Americans, are the familiar allergic reactions spring often comes with. Seasonal allergies, also referred to as allergic rhinitis or...
Hearing is an important part of how we interact with the world, but it can be compromised in many ways. According to statistical data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), up to 3 out of every 1,000 children are born with a detectable level of hearing loss (in one or both...
A nosebleed (also known as epistaxis) is a common condition (60% of people will have one in their lifetime) that results from a laceration or rupture of tissue in your nose. While a nosebleed can be annoying, it is often harmless. But, what does it mean if you find yourself...
Over 50 million people a year deal with some form of allergy, which is also the sixth leading cause of chronic illness. Allergies are one of the most common conditions among children, with seasonal, skin, and food allergies being frequent among children and adults. Many things can trigger allergic reactions,...
Sleep is an essential facet of our lives. Once we get tired enough, we need to rest to feel refreshed in the morning. But for many, that comes with snoring, which can make life for a significant other a bit more difficult at night. Snoring is a disorder that affects...
Rhinoplasty is a form of nose surgery that can help manage many conditions. Residents of the Kissimmee and Orlando, Florida areas looking for rhinoplasty, as well as other ENT needs, can find help with Drs. Wade Han, Elvira Livigni De Armas, and our specialized team at Florida Ear Nose Throat...
Whether we share our house with a dog, cat, bird, or other animals, the relationship we have with pets is a strong and complicated one. Going as far back as the domestication of wolves 30,000 years ago into the multitude of dog breeds we have now, pets have been a...
We all know how hearing goes with age: The funny image of an older man using the mouthpiece of a horn as a hearing aid resounds with people who grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons. Losing your hearing has direct effects on your quality of life and everyday activities, but...
Ear infections are no laughing matter. Painful and sometimes messy, ear infections are most common in children. They’re so common, in fact, that an estimated 50% of children experience an ear infection by their second birthday. The number bloats to 80% by the time children turn 3. At Florida Ear, Nose, Throat &...
Spring occurs between the end of March and late June, creating a beautiful, renewed planet after cold or wet winters. While spring is a beloved time of fresh blooms and plush grasses for many, about 50 million people dread this season. Allergy season lasts through summer, and for many allergy sufferers, into...
Ear infections are nasty, painful conditions that may cause uncomfortable symptoms. Ear infections are most common in children, but adults can also experience ear infections. If you have an ear infection, or multiple infections, an ENT, or Ear, Nose and Throat doctor, can help you. Wade Han, MD, FACS, and...
Luscious lips, taut, glowing skin, and a smooth eye area—all part of an ideal face, but not out of reach. You don’t have to be Rod Stewart to be forever young. Plastic surgery practically became a cultural standard for the wealthy in the ‘80s and ‘90s, turning back the hands of time...
If you’re experiencing hearing loss, you may need a hearing aid. Created for people who have acute and long-lasting hearing loss, hearing aids can make a huge difference in the daily life of those whose hearing has been harmed, or declined with age. With locations in Orlando and Kissimmee, Florida,...
If you have allergies, you probably know the discomfort and misery of sinusitis. While allergies aren’t the only trigger for this condition, you’re much more likely to experience acute or chronic sinusitis if you also suffer from allergies. The symptoms of sinusitis can be treated with over-the-counter medicines, but it...
There are tons of reasons for some people to consider a rhinoplasty, or nose job. Sometimes, it’s about getting a different look. Other times, it could be discomfort while breathing. Though there are about 220,000 rhinoplasties performed each year, it’s important to make sure that you see an experienced ENT,...
Some of us have allergies that last all year. Generally, though, allergy season is during spring and summer, a time when flowering plants share their pollen with the world to create more greenery. Sadly, the sight of bits of pollen collected on cars is enough to keep many of us...
Annoying and painful, ear infections are a common condition that affect around 80% of children, particularly children at or under age 3. Adults, too, can suffer from ear infections, though they’re less common in adults than they are in children. Fortunately, because ear infections are so common, they’re well-known by...
Hearing loss affects millions of people in the US. Besides being a nuisance to deal with, hearing loss can affect your self-esteem, mood, and confidence during social activities. Fortunately, if your hearing acuity has declined, you may be able to get a hearing aid. There are several hearing aid options...
If you’ve ever lived with nasal allergies, you might feel that you took breathing through your nose for granted. Allergies are notorious for causing a stuffy nose, particularly during spring and summer, but they aren’t the only reason for nasal congestion. Though they can be uncomfortable, most deviated septums have...
As beautiful as spring and summer are, they have a knack for bringing out our allergies. From the pollen floating through the air to the dust and pet dander that falls onto our skin, our sinuses are vulnerable to so many things. If your sinus allergies are bad enough to...
An estimated 57% of men and 40% of women snore. Snoring is caused when loose tissues at the back of the throat vibrate during sleep. Our bodies relax during sleep, but some of the muscles of the throat become so lax, they vibrate as air passes by, causing a noisy...
Your immune system is designed to keep you safe from things that make you sick. It’s built of sensitive cells that attack and destroy things like bacteria, viruses, and mold. After your immune system attacks and destroys something, it hangs on to the attacker’s genetic information, so that it remembers...
Sinus problems can occur year-round and strike when you least expect. If you suffer from chronic sinus issues and their many bothersome symptoms, from headaches to trouble breathing, balloon sinuplasty may be the solution you’ve been waiting for. At Florida Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Center, Wade Han,...
If eyes are the windows to the soul, what do people see when they look at you? It can make you feel embarrassed to look in the mirror and see crow’s feet, sagging skin, or bags under your eyes. Drooping eyelids can give you a tired look or make you...
Glands in the middle of your ear canal produce earwax (also known as cerumen) to trap dirt, dust, and foreign bodies so that they don’t reach your eardrum. Normally, the wax slowly works its way out of your ear on its own. If you wear earplugs or hearing aids, those...
While Florida may be known for its warmer, more humid climate, seasonal allergies can still strike in every season. These types of allergies are often fueled by pollen, which is still very much present during the winter. Additionally, different types of allergies are often more acute during winter as you...
The septum is a thin wall of bone and cartilage that separates the two sides of your nasal cavities. A normal septum runs straight down the center of your nostrils, permitting equal and smooth airflow. But, if the septum has deviated, meaning it’s crooked or displaced, your breathing becomes interrupted....
Dr. Wade Han and his team at Florida Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery in Orlando and Kissimmee, Florida provide comprehensive care that alleviates ear pain and prevents chronic infections. The basics of ear infections While anyone can develop an ear infection, kids are especially prone. In fact, five...
Often referred to as a “nose job,” rhinoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries available. It’s used to refine the shape of your nose and create the facial profile you’ve been dreaming about. You may be surprised to learn, however, that rhinoplasty can also provide a permanent fix...
About 37 million people in the United States have sinusitis each year. For the majority of those people, medication resolves the problem, and they can go on about their lives. However, for some people, medication doesn’t work, and they have a chronic sinus infection. At Florida Ear Nose Throat and...
Studies show that almost 29 million American adults could benefit from hearing aids. But did you know that hearing devices can also decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety, and dementia? That means getting help for your hearing loss can help you in more ways than one. If you struggle with hearing...
Many people have harmless episodes of snoring that aren’t a cause for concern. Habitual snoring is relatively common, occurring in about 40% of adult men and 24% of adult women. But for some people, snoring is a sign of sleep apnea, a disorder in which you repeatedly stop breathing for...
With nearly 3 million total cases and over a hundred thousand deaths in the US alone, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed lives here and across the world. A dangerous species of the coronavirus (a family of viruses that include SARS and MERS), COVID-19 is still seeing a rise in cases...
Sinusitis is a common condition with up to 29 million Americans being diagnosed with it each year. When you have this inflammation of the tissue in the sinus cavity, you experience an uncomfortable blocked nose, and as the condition advances, you may develop fatigue, fever, and a headache. While most healthy...
According to Harvard Medical School, about 220,000 rhinoplasties are performed yearly. And there’s a good reason for that. Different forms of the procedure have been around since the time of the ancient Egyptians. But the procedure essentially helps you both to breathe easier and to fix your appearance. If you’re...
If you’re among the 50 million Americans who suffer from allergies, the spring season may leave you feeling sick. At Florida Ear Nose Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Center, with locations in Orlando and Kissimmee, Florida, Dr. Wade Han and his team, are here to help put the bounce back...
If your spouse has informed you that your snoring is driving them to the couch, it’s likely that the quality of your own rest may be compromised. Heavy snoring can be more than a nuisance, though. It can be a symptom of a condition that can have serious health consequences:...
Nearly everyone has experienced a runny nose at some point in their lives. It’s a common symptom of temporary nuisances, like a cold or flu, and usually resolves on its own. Sometimes a runny nose is a warning sign that something more is amiss. Persistent runny nose or one that...
Coughing, sneezing, and a runny nose are a normal part of a common cold. But if your cold symptoms seem to worsen or last for weeks, you may have a more serious condition known as sinusitis. Skilled otolaryngologist Wade Han, MD, FACS understands how frustrating it can be to differentiate...
Blepharoplasty, also known as an eyelid lift, is in the top five most popular cosmetic surgeries. While you might not think about your eyelids very often, they make a significant difference in the appearance of your face. There are some medical advantages of the procedure, too. But the biggest reason...
Have you been experiencing persistent ear pain lately? Are you concerned that it might be an infection? They’re a pretty common affliction: 80% of children get them and adults can get them, too. Left untreated, the symptoms can worsen, and possibly cause serious complications down the road. Dr. Wade Han...
Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. Despite its popularity, there are many myths surrounding rhinoplasty. Whether you’re considering rhinoplasty to remove a bump or to improve your breathing, our experienced surgeon, Dr. Wade Han, at Florida Ear Nose Throat & Facial Plastic...
More than 45 million Americans have allergies. You can have allergic reactions to several things, ranging from substances you breathe or touch to insect bites, foods, and medications. One of the most common types of allergy is allergic rhinitis, or hay fever. When you have allergic rhinitis, airborne allergens in...
When was the last time you woke up in the morning feeling refreshed, alert, and ready to jump right into your day? If you can’t remember, you’re probably not getting enough sleep. When your nightly rest is interrupted often, your body doesn’t have enough time to do things like repair...
When your sinuses are inflamed and not draining properly, the effects can be fairly obvious as congestion hampers your ability to breathe and leads to pain and discomfort. But if you’re also experiencing a loss of taste and smell, the cause may stem from the same problem — sinusitis. At...