Which Type of Hearing Aid Is Right for Me?

Studies show that almost 29 million American adults could benefit from hearing aids. But did you know that hearing devices can also decrease symptoms of depression, anxiety, and dementia? That means getting help for your hearing loss can help you in more ways than one.

If you struggle with hearing and need support, we’re here to help! At Florida Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Surgery Center, we’re a team of hearing aid specialists led by board-certified physician, Wade Wan, MD, FACS. With offices located in Orlando and Kissimmee, Florida, we use our expertise to give you the guidance necessary when choosing the right hearing aid for you.

Here’s where we begin:

The Basics

How can a hearing aid help you hear better? It has a microphone to magnify sounds around you, an amplifier to make the sounds louder, and a receiver to get the sounds to your ears. When you come in to see us, we evaluate your hearing to decide on the right device for you.

Several factors involved include:

We also determine if you need a hearing aid for one ear or both.

Types of hearing aids

When deciding on the right device for you, you’ll have two choices: analog and digital. 

Analog hearing aids tend to cost less and use sound waves that are converted to electrical signals. The volume controls are simple to use too.

Digital hearing aids may cost a little more because they convert sound waves into numerical codes, making your sound and volume controls more adjustable and your results better.

Styles of hearing aids

Hearing aids vary in size and fit. They include:


This type of hearing aid is small and fits inside the canal of your ear. Even though it might be difficult for others to notice you’re wearing them, its smaller size might be cumbersome when adjusting them and taking them out.

In-the-ear (ITE)

This type of hearing aid fits inside your outer ear, but not inside the canal of your ear. The electronics of the hearing aid fit inside a plastic case.

Behind-the-ear (BTE)

This type of hearing aid has a plastic case that goes behind your ear and sends sound into your ear. This allows your ear to be free from wax buildup so it’s clear for hearing.

Choosing the right style for you can be based on your age, condition of hearing loss, and personal preference. You don’t need to worry about finding the right device for you. We’re experts who can help you with that decision.

If you’re ready to have your hearing evaluated with our team, call the office most convenient for you or request an appointment online today. We look forward to helping you hear well again.

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