Seasonal Allergies Don't Take a Vacation in the Winter: Here's How to Stay Clear

While Florida may be known for its warmer, more humid climate, seasonal allergies can still strike in every season. These types of allergies are often fueled by pollen, which is still very much present during the winter. Additionally, different types of allergies are often more acute during winter as you spend more time indoors, surrounded by allergens.

At Florida Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Center, Wade Han, MD, FACS and his expert team provide a comprehensive range of services that tackle most of your nose, ear, and throat care needs. And when it comes to allergies, Dr. Han has extensive experience helping patients in the Orlando and Kissimmee areas breathe a little easier all year round.

Here’s a look at what allergies may be bothering you this winter and, more importantly, what Dr. Han can do about it.

The pollen is still flying

Seasonal allergies, which are also called seasonal allergic rhinitis or hay fever, are allergies that ebb and flow with certain seasons, spring being the primary culprit. Why spring? That’s when pollen counts and mold spores are extremely high. But these types of allergies aren’t confined to this one season. In Florida, the end of winter and beginning of spring can create some of the largest pollen spikes of the year. 

Heading indoors

Another major contributor to wintertime allergies is spending more time indoors, where certain allergens can accumulate. Leading the charge of indoor allergens is mold, which gets trapped inside your house and ends up being recirculated through your heating system.

As well, pet dander, airborne dust particles, dust mites, and even cockroach droppings can cause your allergies to flare during winter. All of these allergens, just like mold, can get trapped in your house during the winter, creating an environment that’s saturated with irritants.

Warding off seasonal allergies in winter

One of the first steps you can take is to, quite literally, clear the air. While there’s not much you can do about the air outside, you can control your home environment through good air filtration systems. As well, try and keep the homefront as clean as possible, and when you vacuum, be sure to use equipment and bags that filter out allergens.

To address your symptoms, which can include anything from a runny nose to sneezing, make a trip to see Dr. Han, who can arm you with the treatments you need for relief, including:

To determine what’s best for your seasonal allergies, Dr. Altman reviews your medical history and current health, and he performs a skin test. Armed with this information, he designs an integrative plan that addresses your unique symptoms.

To steer clear of allergies this winter, please contact Florida Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Center to set up an appointment. Feel free to call the office that’s most conveniently located to you. 

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