Myths and Facts About Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in the United States. Despite its popularity, there are many myths surrounding rhinoplasty.

Whether you’re considering rhinoplasty to remove a bump or to improve your breathing, our experienced surgeon, Dr. Wade Han, at Florida Ear Nose Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Center wants to shed light on these myths so you have a better understanding of the procedure.

Myth: Rhinoplasty is a simple procedure

Due to its popularity, you may think that rhinoplasty is a simple cosmetic procedure. However, your nose is a complex and visible structure and any surgical procedure aimed at changing it requires focus and skill. In fact, rhinoplasty is considered one of the most complex and difficult cosmetic procedures.

In addition to helping you achieve your underlying goal, whether to improve the look or function of your nose, Dr. Han also needs to make sure that your nose remains symmetrical and matches the overall structure and harmony of your face. Dr. Han is an experienced surgeon and has performed numerous rhinoplasties throughout his career. He uses the most advanced surgical techniques to help you achieve your goals. 

Myth: I can get any type of nose I want

While you may have a certain type of nose in mind when considering rhinoplasty, that’s not how the procedure works. Just like your fingerprints and teeth, your nose is unique to you. Any surgery Dr. Han performs to change your nose requires a unique surgical plan that takes into consideration your underlying desire for the surgery, the structure of your nose, and how your new nose fits your overall look.

Myth: Rhinoplasty is painful

Surgery of any kind may cause some amount of pain during the recovery process, even rhinoplasty. However, despite the splints and gauze needed to support the healing process, the rhinoplasty isn’t as painful as it looks.

Dr. Han performs the procedure using anesthesia so you won’t feel any discomfort at all while he’s reshaping your nose. To minimize your discomfort after your anesthesia has worn off, Dr. Han may prescribe pain medication. However, after a few days, you should be able to use over-the-counter medication to reduce any discomfort you’re still experiencing. 

Myth: I’ll need to hide away for months 

To support healing, Dr. Han may request you keep the bandages and splint in place for up to a week. You’ll also experience swelling and bruising around the eyes and nose following your rhinoplasty, but by day three much of the swelling and bruising should be gone. 

You may need to refrain from strenuous exercise, be careful when getting dressed, and be gentle when brushing your teeth, but you shouldn’t need more than a week of downtime for rhinoplasty recovery. 

While you don’t need to hide away for months following rhinoplasty, it can take up to a year for your nose to fully heal and for you to see the final results.

Myth: Rhinoplasty is only for aesthetics

Dr. Han is a skilled surgeon and otolaryngologist and performs rhinoplasty to fix many medical issues related to the nose. You may benefit from a rhinoplasty to:

Whatever your need, Dr. Han creates an individualized plan to help you get the best results.

To learn more about rhinoplasty and see if you’re a good candidate for the procedure, call Florida Ear Nose Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery Center today to schedule an appointment. 

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