Ear Infection Complications That You Should Take Seriously

Have you been experiencing persistent ear pain lately? Are you concerned that it might be an infection? They’re a pretty common affliction: 80% of children get them and adults can get them, too. Left untreated, the symptoms can worsen, and possibly cause serious complications down the road.

Dr. Wade Han at the Florida Ear, Nose, Throat & Facial Plastic Surgery, provides expert care for ear infections and symptoms in patients of all ages. To prevent worsened symptoms, you should schedule an appointment sooner rather than later—especially if the affected person is a small child.

Common symptoms of an ear infection

The main symptom of an ear infection is persistent inner ear pain. This pain can range from mild to severe, and cause temporary hearing loss or drainage of fluid from your ear. Ear infections in children can also be accompanied by fever, sleep regression, or more crying and fussiness than usual. Children are especially susceptible to ear infections.

When to make an appointment

You should call Dr. Han right away if your ear infection symptoms have lasted several days, or if the symptoms occur in children under one year (especially under 6 months). You should also seek help if you notice pus or fluid draining from your or your child’s ear. Scheduling an appointment is especially necessary if your young child has infection symptoms following an upper respiratory condition.

How ear infections are treated

Most ear infections, when diagnosed in the early stages, can be treated with prescription pain medications to ease symptoms. Most patients improve within a few days to a week, while complete healing may take one to two weeks.

Antibiotics may be required for more serious infections. However, they will have to be used with caution, since some of them can cause bacteria to become resistant to the drug’s healing properties.

Fluids that stay in your ear for several weeks or longer may require ear tubes. These tubes allow for ventilation so harmful fluids can drain properly, both curing and preventing future infections.

Learn more about symptoms that can lead to ear complications

If you have had persistent inner ear pain for several days or longer, you can schedule an appointment with Dr. Han at one of two different locations. For the Orlando location, call 863-226-6526. For the Kissimmee location, call 407-278-4823. You can also schedule an appointment at either location online through our website. We look forward to hearing from you.

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